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400ppm emerges as an influential powerhouse within the punk rock domain. This four-piece band authentically embodies the rebellious essence of the genre, fusing unadulterated energy with a distinctive punk edge that sets them apart. Formed in early 2018, the trio quickly delved into songwriting, gracing the local punk scene later that same year.

The name ‘400ppm’ serves as both a scientific reference and a poignant social commentary. Reflecting on the Earth’s rising carbon dioxide levels, the band confronts the ominous reality that we’ve surpassed the ‘safe’ threshold. Undeterred by irreversible damage, 400ppm vehemently objects to the world’s trajectory, urging a collective stand against the madness of our times.

What distinguishes 400ppm is their ability to seamlessly blend punk roots with contemporary sounds. Their music, marked by angst-filled lyrics, thunderous drumming, and electrifying guitar riffs, speaks to the tribulations of adolescence. A socially conscious force, their lyrics provide a trenchant commentary on current issues, all while advocating for revelry in the face of bleakness. In their explosive live shows, 400ppm captivates audiences with unwavering determination and infectious energy. The band skillfully integrates punk elements with genres like garage rock, hardcore, and post-punk, crafting a musical experience that is simultaneously familiar and groundbreaking.

400ppm stands as a symbol of uniqueness and personal expression in a world dominated by conformity. Their outspoken attitude and unbridled musicianship push the boundaries of punk rock, leaving an indelible mark on the genre. As they lead listeners on a sonic journey infused with energy, emotion, and a rebellious spirit, 400ppm invites you to join them in a captivating adventure through the
pulsating heart of punk.
